([email protected])
Summary of Qualifications / Objective
I have extensive experience in the area of software architecture and
implementation. During my nine years in the industry, I have enjoyed
roles as both team player and leader, delivering on-time, bug-free
solutions to problems in object-oriented design, real-time
constraints, digital video, and software configuration management.
I seek 1099 work on innovative projects in the Los Angeles, CA area
with a creative, dynamic team of software engineers. Permanent
positions at promising organizations offering equity packages will
also be considered.
- Software Development Languages
- C++, Perl, Java, HTML, Bourne Shell, SQL, Lisp, various assemblers.
- Platforms and Libraries
- Unix (Linux, Irix, Solaris, AIX), Win32, various perl modules, Swing (JFC), JDBC, various embedded RTOSes, OpenGL, Xlib, Xt, CORBA distributed systems.
- Tools and Software
- Unix: emacs, cvs, make, pgp, qmail, sendmail, and many more
- Windows/Mac tools: Microsoft Developer Studio, SourceSafe, Rational Rose, Adobe Photoshop, Quark XPress, Adobe Illustrator, Microsoft Office, Visio.
Employment History, Inc.: Senior Software Engineer ( 4/1999 - 4/2001 ): Santa Monica, CA
- Source ID Tool
- Worked with Marketing Team to develop requirements for automated promotion management and tracking tool.
- Designed Oracle schema
- Implemented and maintained multiuser, web-based interface using perl, Mason, Apache::DBI, and DB_File::Lock
- Online Store
- Designed and implemented secure credit card authorization Intershop / module and auditing tools for multi-million dollar online store.
- Designed and implemented postal rate calculation Intershop module.
- Participated in design and implementation of coupon / gift certificate Intershop module
- Infrastructure Projects
- Oracle-based project management / scheduler tool
- Revision control system design and administration, including support and training for both Unix and Windows users
- Participated in design and implementation of web site staging procedures
- Database-driven QA / site analysis tool
- General system administration for linux web team development server
- Additional Web Applications
- Credit Request Form
- Search Engine Optimization Project
- Integrated Online Support application (eshare)
- Implemented Customer Support knowledge base interface in a single day
- Worked with outsourced Marketing firms to deliver automated customer usage reports
- Designed and implemented USPS Tracking Tool that interfaces with USPS XML APIs
- Worked with producers to implement navigation templates for web site
- Designed and implemented embedded, real-time application subsystems for Windows NT 4.0 field-deployed portion of Digital Media Distributor.
- Designed client/server Java (JDK 1.2) application and implemented GUI portion.
- Responsible for automated build procedures and SourceSafe administration.
- TheBrain (nee Natrificial)
- Ported server portion of associative information management tool from Windows NT to Unix.
- Eco-Challenge Web Site
- Designed/implemented/customized online order form, contest entry form / customer database, online race results pages, bulletin board system using perl.
- CityWeb Architecture
for Warner Bros. Online
- Completed a series of documents outlining the technical
architecture components of the CityWeb local television
affiliate web sites.
- Addressed the following decisions: OS platform, CPU, disk
subsystem, memory, HTTP server software, ORDBMS platform, asset
management tools, authoring tools, and advertisement management
- Pegasus RFP for Time Warner Cable
- Responsible for functional requirements specifications for
application and
operating system software of ITV system. (currently
under production: Scientific Atlanta Explorer 2000)
- Coordinated applications and authoring tool portions of RFP.
- Designed and implemented set-top resident
applications in C++ (PowerTV OS): Navigator and Components
- Server Optimization for The Palace
- Profiled and modified multi-platform Unix server
product to optimize performance (latency, bandwidth, memory).
Time Warner Cable Broadband Applications: Senior Software Engineer ( 11/1993 - 6/1996 ):
Burbank, CA
Broadband Applications is a division of Time Warner Cable which
specializes in interactive multimedia tools and applications,
primarily for the interactive television market.
- SITV NFL Interactive
- Designed and implemented multimedia class library for authoring
multi-threaded, real-time, multimedia applications in C++ for
Time Warner's Full Service Network.
- Designed protocol over CORBA IDL to transmit generic sports data
(scores) to set-top client through a multithread-safe
mechanism. Implemented set-top half of communications.
- Designed generic ``Video On Demand'' engine and implemented
set-top portion.
- Multimedia Runtime Interpreter
- Lead set-top programmer (C++) for all TWCBBA applications
launched with the Orlando Full Service Network: Catalog1,
Spiegel, Eddie Bauer, Warner Bros. Studio Store, Williams
Sonoma, The Nature Company, Crate & Barrel, Time Warner
Viewer's Edge, The Sharper Image.
- Designed, implemented, profiled, and optimized platform-specific
code for
proprietary multi-platform multimedia authoring tool.
- Profiled and optimized set-top code for runtime module.
- Provided technical advice to production teams: feasibility assessment,
multimedia file format conversion, custom runtime modules.
- Responsible for object-oriented design and implementation (in
C++) of the following modules: ``button traversal'' algorithm,
drawing paradigm, MPEG video class, timer class, text class.
Helped design memory management class.
- Version control (cvs)
administration, development of script-based (csh, perl,
etc.) development tools, set-top & server configuration,
Ampersand Design: Digital Prepress Operator ( 8/1992 - 11/1993 ): San Francisco, CA
- Responsible for system administration of a Macintosh
network of 30 nodes.
- Assisted digital prepress for retail marketing projects.
- Generated a video presentation of a ``fractal condensation''.
- Interviewed digital artists and wrote articles for
affiliated magazine. (On Line Design)
Brown University
( 9/1988 - 6/1992 ): Providence, RI
- B.A. in Computer
Science. Graduated June, 1992.
- Focused in software engineering, algorithm analysis, digital
hardware design
- Academic Projects
- srx A speech-recognition macro package for
X; Implemented recognition algorithms using Hidden Markov
Model. (C++)
- ADSP2100 Integrated a signal-processing
CPU and memory subsystem in a VMEbus system. Coded
demonstration applications in ADSP2100 assembly.
- S.O.M. Assisted system administration of 50 node IBM RT
(AIX) network.
- Patents
- Personal Projects
- Gnomecam: a gnome applet for displaying an updating image in a gnome panel.
- GCal: a client-server group scheduling product in Java, based on JDK 1.0.2.
This resume is available online at
As of $Date: 2001/10/03 15:26:48 $